v5.0 [Oct 5, 2017]
Analysis Automation Routines
- HRV algorithm improvements
- HRV analysis QRS threshold percentage
- ICG Analysis Output Options
- Event-related EDA Analysis
- Stim-response configuration enhancements
- Digital Input to Stim Events
Media Capture (audio and/or video)
Module-based analog setup (prompts)
- Sum measurement
- Measurement presets
Artifact Rejection functionality
Timed Reset for Integrate calculation and transformation
User Interface Enhancements
- Analysis dialogs: consolidated parameters in a single dialog
- Online averaging progress bar
- Transformation history
- Canceling Transformations & Transformation Progress Bar
- Custom toolbars for transformations and analysis
- Toolbar position retention and changes
- Event tool enhancements
- Typed event label drawing improvements
- Choose MP150 Help Button
- Button Transparency
- Vertical axis scaling buttons
- Long channel labels and units
- Customizable Chart Track Dividers
- Graph window tooltip improvements
- Menu item tooltips
Specialized Analysis Packages
Detect and Classify Heartbeats
Locate ECG Complex Boundaries
Chaos Analysis—Detrended Fluctuation Analysis; Optimal Embedding Dimension; Optimal Time Delay; Plot Attractor; Correlation Coefficient
Electrodermal Activity—Derive Phasic EDA from Tonic; Event-related EDA Analysis; Locate SCRs
Electroencephalography—Compute Approximate Entropy; Delta Power Analysis; Derive Alpha-RMS; Derive EEG Frequency Bands; EEG Frequency Analysis; Remove EOG Artifacts
Electromyography—Derive Average Rectified EMG; Derive Integrated EMG; Derive Root Mean Square EMG; EMG Frequency & Power Analysis; Locate Muscle Activation
Ensemble Average
Epoch Analysis
Hemodynamic Analysis—Classifiers: ABP, LVP, MAP; Arterial Blood Pressure; ECG Interval Extraction; Left Ventricular Blood Pressure; Monophasic Action Potential; Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia
Impedance Cardiography Analysis—Adaptive template matching; C point location; Body Surface Area; Ideal Body Weight; ICG Analysis; VEPT; PEP Pre-ejection Period; dZ/dt Derive from Raw Z; dZ/dt Classifier: B, C, X, Y, and O Points; dZ/dt Remove Motion Artifacts
Magnetic Resonance Imaging—Artifact Frequency Removal; Artifact Projection Removal; Median Filter Artifact Removal; Signal Blanking
Neurophysiology—Amplitude Histograms; Classify Spikes; Average Action Potentials; Dwell Time Histograms; Generate Spike Trains
Locate Spike Episodes; Find Overlapping Spike Episodes; Set Episode Width & Offset
Principal Component Denoising
Remove Trend
Respiration—Compliance & Resistance; Penh Analysis; Pulmonary Airflow
Spectral Subtraction
Stim-Response—Digital Input to Stim Events; Stim-Response Analysis
Waterfall Plot
Wavelet Denoising
Multichannel Event Marking System—Event marking system is now combined with Cycle/Peak Detector, allowing automated measurements around specific events and additional event marking based on measurements taken. For example, mark when a dose or task occurs and automatically measure and mark the maximum response.
Cycle (Peak) Detector interface—Advanced Cycle/Peak Detector combines with powerful new Event Marking System. Perform amplitude, time, or event-based measurements. New output options for measurements, averaging, events, clustering (K-means), and 3D surface (cycle data, histogram, FFT, and DWT).
Most recently used transformation and analysis
Adaptive template matching transformation
Normalized Cross-correlation Template Transformation
Remove projection template
Delay transformation
Cubic spline resampling options
Spectrum analyzer/real-time FFT
Calculation Channels
Calculation metachannels—daisy-chain calculations, such as Filter and Difference, on one channel
Dynamic digital filter options
Equation Generator/Expression enhancements—online and post-acquisition
Interpolated measurements
New measurement options to optimize event marking system
User Interface
Display and control of data
3D data visualization
Replay data
Text annotations—add zest to your publication screen shots or annotate the file beyond marker notes
Print functions—adjust data range for printing; print waveform data in black
Adaptive scaling—vertical scale updates in real time to optimize data display
Grids—Friendly grid scaling; Flexible grid options Grid Tool
Balloon Help
Multiple levels of Undo
Jump tool
Rescale operations
Selection palette—place cursors at specific time points
Mouse scrollwheel support
Keyboard Shortcuts added (accelerator keys)
Cursor Tools Contextual Menu
Data processing
Large file support
Batch acquisitions
Multithreaded operation
File Formats
Excel Export (for reports with tabular data)
Save Selection As moved to File menu and updated: added = Wav, EDF, JPEG; removed = Metafile (*.WMF)
Open Mac AcqKnowledge 3 Graph
BSL file import
EDF file import and export
Igor Pro Experiment import/export
WAV file format import/export